Search Results | brown dog affair

Your search for "brown dog affair" returned 25 results

Nonscary Halloween Movies Quiz

Not every Halloween movie has to send shivers down your spine. Take this quiz to see how much you know about the best movies to get you into the Halloween spirit without the scares!

Can You Identify the Heist Movie From One Image?

Have you ever imagined sneaking the "Mona Lisa" out of the Louvre? Do you daydream about making off with the Crown Jewels? Well, don't do anything that will land you in the big house! Take this heist movie quiz instead!

Remembering Colin Powell's American Journey

The distinguished American general was the first Black man to become Secretary of State and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff. He died Oct. 18 at age 84.

Do You Know All of These "Family Guy" Characters?

We all know Stewie and the gang, but the run of "Family Guy" since 1999 has given us a myriad of characters that fulfill every role in a small town. Test your FG skills with this crazy quiz ... Giggity.

The Ultimate 'M.A.S.H' Quiz

You can hardly turn on the TV without running across a rerun of "MASH," that 1970s show about the 1950s Korean War that made people laugh, cry and think. See how much you remember about this groundbreaking sitcom with our "MASH" quiz.

How To Prevent Parasitic Infections

Read about parasitic infections that are contracted through skin contact or bedding, clothing or animals, including body lice, scabies and ticks.

Can You Identify These TV Shows Named For The Main Character?

Sometimes the most memorable way to name a TV show is to use the name of the main character – simple! Apart from iconic examples like "Seinfeld" and "Roseanne," how many of these TV shows can you name from just one image? Take our quiz and find out!

How a Flea Circus Works

Flea circuses with live, performing fleas actually do exist. Find out how flea circuses work and the history behind this unusual circus art.

How FEMA Works

FEMA has been providing emergency relief for hurricanes, earthquakes, toxic contamination and more since 1979. Read more about how FEMA works.

Marilyn Monroe's Final Years

Marilyn Monroe's final years ended with her death under mysterious circumstances. Learn about the final years of Marilyn Monroe.

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